BPW International Theme 2024-2027

Inspire, Innovate, Empower, Transform: Together We Shape a Sustainable Future

Inspirar, Innovar, Empoderar, Transformar: Juntas Forjemos un Futuro Sostenible

Inspirer, Innover, Autonomiser, Transformer: Ensemble, Nous Façonnons un Avenir Durable

Inspirar, Innovare, Potenziare, Trasformare: Insieme, Plasmiamo un Futuro Sostenibile

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BPW International (International Federation of Business and Professional Women) is an influential international network of business and professional women from more than 100 countries in 5 continents with Consultative Status at ECOSOC/United Nations. Founded in 1930, BPW International develops the professional, leadership and business potential of women on all levels through mentoring, networking, skill building and economic empowerment programs and projects around the world.