BPW International Young BPW

Message from Young BPW International Representative - Tomi Odunsi Fadina, Nigeria/Brazil

A call for cooperation 

Triennium Theme: New actions through cooperation 


At this point in time

The world needs us,

The dream of our founder, Dr Lena Medason Philip

For equality,  peace,  justice and empowerment 

Holds a pillar in our hearts.


We are here now,

Held together by a cord that connects us all

Which is making a mark, a positive impact on our world 

And being a part of something much greater than us.


Some of us may have been here by accident,  or by acquaintances or purpose.

Some of us, by being in search of opportunities for advancement 

Some of us are here to make a difference 

Some are here wondering; "what am I still doing here", "I have no idea what this organisation is really all about ", "Where and how do I start to make an impact"

Some have lost faith and hope in what used to be.


Our motives and feelings are all valid.

The question to ask ourselves is "What’s keeping me here" and "What purpose do I serve".


What keeps us is the deep desire to make an impact that affects our world positively and with the company of great women having the same passion for humanity.

This is why our dear BPW needs us now,

Each and everyone of us charging forward with determination and commitment towards peace, justice, equality and empowerment of women and girls all over the world. To also empower them to realise the UN SDGS and sustain our BPW Legacy.


Driving this vision being the Young BPW International Representatives is indeed a great responsibility but this is also a great opportunity to demonstrate all I have learned and how capable I am. I can assure you that I will not disappoint you. This is the same responsibility that has been bestowed upon you, by the virtue of being a member of this great organization.


In the words of our founder, Dr Lean Madison Philips 

She says:

"Leaders may emerge with vision, creative and direction but it is the quality of supporting members, the width of experience they contribute, the depth of determination and interest they bring that allows the organisation to fulfil its aim and become the powerhouse for members own development."

She also says:

"It is now not the next century but now, we must recognise that cooperation among all people can not remain a dream."


Therefore, this is a call for cooperation and in line with our triennium theme - New Actions Through Cooperation - we want to life through our New Actions Team – This is an unofficial team of members who are driven, motivated and committed to identifying the needed change by running with the BPW vision to guide this change through inspiration and execution. See details here.



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Tomi Odunsi Fadina

BPW International Young BPW Representative 2021-2024

Chair Standing Committee Young BPW 2021-2024