Memorandum of Understanding of the SC Business, Trade & Technology with the TRASMED GLE – GRIMALDI GROUP
21-22 February 2022
Paz Martin, Chair of the Standing Committee concluded this collaboration with the Trasmed GLE – Grimaldi Group to help further the work of women in the masculine dominated field of navigation. BPW International was invited to spend one night on the ferry to Palma de Mallorca.
After a good night’s sleep we had a chance to visit the old centre of Palma de Mallorca. After coming back, an official act sealed the collaboration between BPW International and the Trasmed GLE – Grimaldi Group by hoisting the Equal Pay Day flag. What we all appreciated was that the large vessel was under the command of a female captain and first officer. Both seemed to be highly respected by their crew.
Dr. Catherine Bosshart, BPW International President 2021-2024