Jenny Gulamani-Abdulla, JD
BPW International Executive Secretary 2021-2024, Canada
It is such an immense privilege to be serving as part of the Executive Board of such an influential global organization! We know as leaders and members that BPW International is not only growing and thriving in 104 countries now but it also has a grand mission to develop and advance the potential of all women around the world. This is a tall order and one that can only be achieved if we remain committed and aligned with the aims of our organization.
We are aware that these aims centre around the overall concept of unity which our sisterhood promotes in all of its work whether it is structured or informal. Whether it is by the coming together of our members through regular meetings locally or bonding over projects and priorities nationally and regionally as well as combining our efforts and expertise internationally, knowing that we are furthering our organization’s aims to impact the quality of life for women globally – in their homes, neighbourhoods, communities, workplaces, marketplaces and more.
BPW International’s Constitution outlines its aims very clearly in Section C3 to unite business and professional women in all parts of the world to:
1. work for women's:
- economic independence
- equal opportunity and representation in economic, civil and political life
2. encourage and support women and girls to:
- develop their professional and leadership potential
- undertake lifelong education and training
- use their abilities for the benefit of others, locally, nationally and internationally
3. advocate:
- for the elimination of all discrimination against women
- for human rights and the use of gender-sensitive perspectives
4. undertake:
- world-wide networking and co-operation between business and professional women
- non-profit projects that help women gain economic independence
- to present the views of business and professional women to international organisations and agencies, and to business, governments and civil society
Many of our affiliate clubs and Federations have undertaken bold steps towards new actions to empower women as we focus our efforts on cooperation so that we may continue to deal with the challenges and setbacks arising from the global pandemic. We have witnessed the numerous endeavours to connect across borders both virtually and in person, the urgent need to re-skill and upskill, as well as to advocate fiercely for opportunities and participation so no one is left behind. We salute these efforts to remain steadfast to our aims as per our constitution. To register your new projects and actions, visit https://www.bpw-projects.org/#top
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