Join us in Arusha, Tanzania, for the BPW International Africa Regional Conference - 25-27 August 2022
The President of the Club Mwanza, Tanzania, Bertiller James Massawe, organizes the Conference in Hotel Gran Meliá, Arusha.
Preceding the Conference is a Safari to the Ngorongoro Carter and the Serengeti from the 21st to the 24th of August 2022.
The conference will comprehend a Leaders’ Summit, a Young BPW Symposium and High Level Panels.
> BPW Africa Regional Conference - Final Logistic Notes (pdf)
Contacts Point: Bertiller Massawe, President BPW Tanzania
> Questionnaire for participants at the Leaders' Summit in Arusha, please fill in until August 24, 2022
Pre-Conference Tour
Cost reduction of pre-conference tour from $1'640 to $1'200
Please just confirm if you are participating in the pre-conference tour, pay on site at arrival.
Download as pdf

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