Two bpw.webinars were held in cooperation with Géraldine Crevat from Intercontinental Online Meetings, both on the same subject, but in different languages.
Dr. Catherine Bosshart, BPW International President 2021-2024, was speaking about the relations between BPW and the UN. Since 2011 Catherine Bosshart was BPW International Main Representative at the UN in Geneva, from 2017-2020 she was Vice President UN for BPW International. She can speak from her wealth of experience working with the UN and shares with us her vast knowledge of BPW and the UN.
15 June 2022
Different functions of the UN and BPW commitment with UN
Dr. Catherine Bosshart
Webinar in English
with Intercontinental Meetings with Géraldine Crevat
Dr. Catherine Bosshart, BPW International President 2021-2024, is speaking about the relations between BPW and the UN. Since 2011 Catherine Bosshart was BPW International Main Representative at the UN in Geneva, from 2017-2020 she was Vice President UN for BPW International.

16 June 2022
Les différentes fonctions de l'ONU et l'engagement de BPW auprès de l'ONU
Dr. Catherine Bosshart
Webinair en français
avec Intercontinental Rencontres avec Géraldine Crevat
> Regardez la vidéo sur YouTube
Catherine Bosshart, présidente de BPW International 2021-2024, parle des relations entre BPW et l'ONU. Depuis 2011, Catherine Bosshart était la représentante principale de BPW International auprès de l'ONU à Genève, de 2017 à 2020 elle était vice-présidente ONU de BPW International.
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