Any candidate standing for election at XXXI Congress November 2024 may be appointed a delegate or alternative delegate by her Affiliated Federation or Affiliate Club.
The only conditions that each candidate must comply with, as per our Procedure Manual are:
8.3.4 At the General Assembly:
- Each candidate may distribute only one (1) supporting document either prior to the General Assembly or during the General Assembly. A document circulated prior to the General Assembly requires a covering letter from the candidate’s nominating Affiliate President
- Any distribution of material at the General Assembly can only take place in the area designated by the Nominations Committee
- No promotional material or campaign literature may be distributed in the room designated for the General Assembly
- No campaigning is permitted in the designated voting area (the General Assembly), or within 30 metres of the voting area (or nominated area if less than 30 metres)
- Only one (1) sheet A4 size of publicity material, (hard copy or electronic) to directly or indirectly promote a nominee is permitted after the nomination (at the congress venue)
- Distribution of promotional gifts, trinkets and gimmicks or the use of social media by or on behalf of any candidate is not permitted after the nomination (17th July)
- No social media/video campaign of the nominees is allowed.
- Any violation of these requirements prior to the General Assembly will be referred to the Constitutional Advisory Committee.