BPW International Constitution And Regulations
The journey so far … from 2011 to 2023:
- 2011: Registration to be obtained in Geneva, Resolution adopted at the XXVII BPW International Congress, Helsinki.
- 2021-2023: Existing Constitution and Regulations required review, what was found, what required amendment and new mandatory clauses identified for Registration compliance.
Now one major step is completed, now let’s take you on the next phase of the journey.
Invitation to a Zoom Meeting
Date and Time
Saturday, December 9, 2023, 16:00pm-18:00pm UTC. The meeting will be held in English.
Find it in your own time zone.
BPW International Constitution and Regulations Amendments - Zoom Meeting with BPW Africa Region
Dr. Catherine Bosshart, BPW International President
Carolyn Savage, BPW International Constitution Advisory Committee Chair
You will receive the Zoom link immediately after submitting the registration form. Please keep the link safe so that you can log in easily.
BPW International Constitution and Regulations Amendments - Meeting for BPW Latin America Region
Following the Board meeting and a CAC meeting, we are going to present (in 30 slides or less) an overview of the proposed changes to the BPW International Constitution and Regulations and an update on the requirements for mandated clauses to comply with the Swiss Civil Code and registration in the correct office in Geneva prior to the International Board meeting (date to be confirmed). This Zoom invitation for the BPW Latin America Region can be sent to all Presidents of Federations, Presidents of Affiliated Clubs and individual members to participate in this online meeting.
Tras la reunión de la Junta Directiva y la reunión del CAC, vamos a presentar (en 30 diapositivas aproximadamente) una visión general de los cambios propuestos a la Constitución y Reglamentos de BPW Internacional y una actualización sobre los requisitos de las cláusulas mandatarias para cumplir con el Código Civil Suizo y el registro en la oficina correcta en Ginebra antes de la reunión de la Junta Directiva Internacional (fecha pendiente de confirmar). Esta invitación Zoom para la Región de BPW América Latina se enviará para su información a todas las Presidentas de Federaciones, Presidentas de Clubes Afiliados y socias individuales para que participen en esta reunión en línea.
Após a reunião da Diretoria e uma reunião com o CAC, apresentaremos (em 30 slides ou menos) uma visão geral das alterações propostas ao Estatuto e Regulamentos da BPW Internacional e atualização sobre os requisitos para que as cláusulas obrigatórias cumpram o Código Civil Suíço e sejam registradas no escritório correto em Genebra antes da reunião da Diretoria Internacional (data a ser confirmada). Este convite de Zoom para a região da BPW América Latina pode ser enviado a todas as Presidentes de Federações, Presidentes de Clubes Afiliados e membros individuais para participar desta reunião on-line.