BPW International is very concerned about the war in Ukraine.
We have an Affiliate Club in Ukraine, BPW Chernihiv.
With the fundraising campaign of BPW International we want to organize help for our club and for women and children refugees.
In doing so, we will see if we can have relief supplies transported. We ask you to report to the President's office information about existing and reliable transport possibilities known to you. In any case, the collected money will benefit the club members in Chernihiv and women and children refugees.
We ask for your solidarity and your donation, should it be possible for you. Thank you very much.
We will continue to inform you about this charity action on our website.
Dr. Catherine Bosshart, BPW International President 2021-2024
Update from April 24, 2022 - Report from the President in the Newsletter #4/2022
We are still in contact with the Chernihiv club. The situation is catastrophic. President Julia has written to us saying that she has returned to her half-destroyed house at short notice:
«I thought I was strong … but the last days were too hard to accept. The condition of cities and towns and most importantly the people, after the retreat of the Russian army is shocking. […] Hundreds, thousands of civilians were ruthlessly killed, tortured, raped […] Those who survived are in critical conditions, both physically and psychologically […] It is sad to see that many systems do not work. This applies to both government and business, as well as the volunteer movement. […] We need to react instantly to change, readjust processes, admit mistakes and form strong teams of like-minded people. Humanitarian-aid is being stolen, logistics are not set up, in some regions there is a surplus and work in reserve, in others – famine and death…»
Recently, a Swiss-Ukranian helper talked to her on the phone. Julia and all the BPW members are alive. Some of the members sought refuge in a more secure area of Ukraine. In Chernihiv, she can again buy things. The surrounding villages are in a worse situation.
Goods Transport to Ukraine
Thursday April 21, 2022, a goods transport left Switzerland for the Polish border and will be forwarded from there to Chernihiv and Charkov. We have been able to give a first comprehensive shipment to our club in Chernihiv. This has been done in cooperation with Ukrainehilfe in Graubünden. I would like to thank Lydia Buchli and Beatrice Meisser from BPW Davos Klosters for the cooperation.
BPW Bern is collecting for our former members in Eastern Ukraine. Also a big thank you to the Bern Twinning Working Group.
We have also been able to support the transit station for refugees in Lviv with a contribution so that they can continue to offer women and children on the run a place to go with food, sleeping facilities and medical care. The station is intact and working at full speed. According to the latest information, there are around 400,000 refugees in Lviv.
Further projects
We are also in contact with BPW Arad in Romania, President Dana Sas and Moldova who have to cope with a large number of refugees. At the moment we are clarifying how we can best be effective.
In Europe, more projects are in the pipeline.
BPW Italy has submitted a project for Ukrainian female students. FIDAPA BPW Italy is in contact with various universities and has achieved that they want to waive the registration fees for Ukrainian refugees. A scholarship will help 7 students to continue their studies.
BPW Madrid has developed a project to help Ukrainian women to regain a foothold in professional life.
Please send projects that help Ukrainian refugees to rebuild their lives in the West to the > President's Office.
Update from March 3, 2022 - Letter from BPW International President
Dear Federation Presidents and Affiliate Club Presidents,
We all are shocked about the war in Ukraine and would like to help. I have prepared a link on the international website [see above] to give donations mostly for refugees who are in various countries. If you would like to donate, please do it through this website. This morning the link which Saferpay gave us created rejections from the credit card providers. We are repairing this as quickly as possible.
You have three options:
- BPW Federations or Affiliate Clubs prepare a project on how to help the Ukrainian refugees in their countries in a sustainable manner (from distribution of goods to skill building, language lessons, support in childcare etc). The projects need to be sent to BPW International with a budget and a description as quickly as possible (presidents.office@bpw-international.org). We, the Executive Board, will look at these projects and allocate the money to those Federations and Affiliate Clubs. BPW International needs to have lists of how this money was allocated and who was responsible for the distribution.
- Part of the money which we receive goes directly to the Ukraine to an institution which is already providing refugees with shelter on the way to the borders with its neighbouring countries.
- You will do a project out of your own means e.g. you are responsible for the money collection in your country and for the distribution.
Now is the time when BPW International has to stand, to work and to act together. Only as a united organization and sisterhood will we be strong. Help in the context of your own country and support International to take action where it is needed.
I am grateful for everyone who helps the Ukrainian refugees and our Club in Chernihiv (Ukraine).
Warm regards,
Dr. Catherine Bosshart, BPW International President 2021-2024
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