As we start to make plans to attend BPW International’s 31st Congress, it is important to understand the extensive preparations that take place behind the scenes. For your reference and information, our Procedure Manual Section 7 is dedicated to Congress and Section 8 covers the General Assembly in detail.
The Call to Congress is circulated to the International Board eight months before Congress. The documentation for the business of the General Assembly is made accessible to the membership on the BPW International website. Nominations, Resolutions and Amendments must be received not less than six months in advance on the official form signed by the Affiliate President. Nominating Affiliates must have paid their dues. Learn more about the document submission requirements, validity of such documents, criteria to be met by candidates and qualifications to submit resolutions in our Procedure Manual.
Advice for Candidates
It is also important for candidates to comply with the rules set out in the Procedure Manual and follow requirements contained in the “Advice for Candidates” distributed with the Call to Congress documents. Section 8.3.4 of the Procedure Manual outlines rules on distribution of a supporting document before or during the General Assembly. There are specific limitations on distribution of material and designated areas at the General Assembly. In fact, no promotional material or campaign literature may be distributed in the room designated for the General Assembly and no campaigning is permitted in the designated voting area or within 30 meters of the voting area. Publicity material to promote a nominee is permitted after nomination but is restricted to only one sheet A4 size of publicity material (hard copy or electronic). Distribution of promotional gifts, trinkets and gimmicks or the use of social media by or on behalf of any candidate is not permitted after the nomination and no social media or video campaign of the nominees is allowed.
Lastly, if your region plans to host the next Congress in 2027, we invite you to place a bid now as this normally takes place five years prior to Congress. However due to the global instability we have not officially called for bids. This is, therefore, an official call out for bids to host the next BPW International Congress.