Dr. Narudee Kiengsiri, Thailand
Welcome to Asia Pacific Regional web page
I am honored as BPW International Asia-Pacific Regional Coordinator. Our region is divided into 5 sub-regions: ASEAN, East Asia, Oceanic, South Asia and West Asia. We are the 2nd largest region in BPW International. While Covid-19 would not allow us to meet face-to-face this year (2021), we look forward to the next Asia-Pacific Regional Conference in Bahrain in either 2022 or 2023.
Narudee Kiengsiri
Regional Coordinator Asia Pacific 2021-2024
Asia Pacific has 5 sub-regions: ASEAN, East Asia, Oceanic, South Asia and West Asia
As per January 2024, BPW International has 27 member countries in the Asia Pacific region: 17 Affiliate Federations, 10 countries with Affiliate Clubs.
Regional Coordinator is Dr. Narudee Kiengsiri, Thailand.