I am delighted to serve as the Regional Coordinator for North America and The Caribbean once more, this time under the theme New Actions Through Cooperation.
As the only candidate on the Executive, nominated from the floor, I feel extremely honoured and humbled by the confidence placed in me by my region who nominated and all those who voted for me. Thanks for the regional and international support. I hereby pledge to do my part in ensuring that BPW International takes the right path from the current crossroad.
As a Region we have formed a committee, with a good mix of subject matter experts, to support our actions through cooperation. To strengthen our region, and by extension our globe we will have many more touch points covering many more members within our region and beyond.
Our Strategic Plan covers:
- Cooperation, Communication and Inclusivity through meetings and events
- Improvement in Governance through strengthened constitutional review and documentation
- Sustainability of BPW through projects and standing committees
- Growth and Diversity in membership through increased Affiliate Federations and Clubs
I look forward to working with my 2021-2024 Triennial Colleagues at the Club, Regional and Executive Levels, as together we continue the journey so meticulously paved over 91 years ago by our founder - Dr. Lena Madesin Phillps. This is achievable through holistic communication, full cooperation, and an enhanced, practical and pragmatic governance framework that guarantees, respect, transparency, integrity, principled values and provide unambiguous direction to all members.
Together we can! Together we will!!
Dawne E Williams
Regional Coordinator North America and The Caribbean