It is a great pleasure for me to serve BPW International as Vice President Membership.
For us the members are the priority and the core of the organization. Our organization was founded more than 90 years ago by Lena Madesin Phillips and draws its strength from the training of its members, its tradition of its commitment to dealing with serious issues. BPW International represents women in business and decision-making in about 100 countries and five regions.
All members have a duty to actively participate in the life of the Federation, to continuously update themselves in order to provide effective answers to the various socio-cultural problems of our society.
We have always promoted the enhancement of the human resources existing within us, promoting training and obtaining professional qualifications.
Being aware of the great value of partnership, we have always promoted networking, knowing that networking is an indispensable tool for growth and social development.
Our success is determined by the collegiality of the initiatives, from design to implementation, based on a full sharing of our activities; we can say that sharing is the added value for BPW International.
BPW is an association that is continually expanding in numbers and organization. It has overcome the Second World War, the 4th technological revolution and the crisis in membership. It has always listened to the "voice of the times" and adapted its activities to social needs. After 90 years, BPW International, with its ability to interact in the reality of society in a complex and contradictory evolutionary period, continues to be the most important women's association with the largest membership, still expanding. The consultative status at the United Nations, which BPW International has held since 1947, allows us to report on the activities of our Affiliates worldwide.
What opportunities do we offer our members?
- to participate in meetings at international level.
- to be constantly informed through our website and social media
- to exchange projects and good practices with members around the world
- to participate in twinning and inter-clubs with affiliates from around the world
- to promote their small and medium enterprises in a global context
- to support other women in the world with concrete actions to eliminate violence against women
- to promote women's empowerment
- to promote human rights and equal treatment and salary in the workplace
- to learn and create leadership experience not only in theory but also in practice
Would you like to live this magical experience with us?
Promoting the professional, leadership and business potential of women on all levels and creating New Actions through Cooperation.
Giuseppina Seidita
Vice President Membership
and Chair Standing Committee Membership