Signing of the Memorandum of Understanding
On 26 April 2023, representatives of BPW and Rotary signed the Memorandum of Understanding concerning two BPW Containers in the Container Village of Antakya.
From BPW Adana, the document was signed by President Sinem Ozgen and Vice President Ayça Katlav, both representing the International President Dr. Catherine Bosshart.
Dr. Emre Öztürk, Governor of Rotary Turkey, signed on behalf of Rotary.
Opening ceremony Container Village Antakya
On June 21, 2023 the container village Antakya could be opened.
BPW Adana Club Secretary Hilal Ulaştırıcı attended the opening; some members of BPW Adana are also present.
Unfortunately, the International President could not travel to Turkey due to short notice of the opening ceremony, but she will make up for her visit.