Posts tagged with "BPW Argentina"

✝︎ Florinda D'Antonio - BPW Victoria Ocampo, Argentina
Latin America News · April 14, 2024
It is with deep sorrow that we bid farewell to our founding member and Regional Secretary of the BPW International Latin America Region.

Trip to Latin America - Visit to the Club in Buenos Aires
President's Messages · December 08, 2022
On the evening of 19 November 2022, the International President, Vice President Membership and the Director of the President's Office (she speaks Spanish and Portuguese) arrived in Buenos Aires together with the Treasurer. President's report and photos.

UNESCO - Invitation AI Competency Frameworks for Teachers
UN News · October 17, 2022
AI competency frameworks for teachers - Consultation Meeting - 25 October 2022, from 13:00 to 14:30 CET - Zoom

✝︎ Arlette Neyens - BPW Argentina
President's Messages · March 18, 2022
✝︎ Arlette Neyens, Past President of BPW Argentina, departed from us in February 2022 at the age of 85.