Posts tagged with "Chile"

New Affiliate Club - BPW Calbuco, Chile - Latin America
Membership News · April 29, 2024
BPW Club Calbuco, Chile, Latin America - April 2024

BPW Latin America Regional Conference - Elections Report and Fotos
Latin America News · September 17, 2023
Looking back to BPW Latin America Regional Conference with Fotos

X. BPW International Latin America Regional Conference
Latin America News · May 15, 2023
X. BPW International Latin America Regional Conference, 6-10 September 2023 in Santiago, Chile. "BPW Latin America Leaders in Action."

Gacitúa Martinez Clara - Chile
UN Representatives · March 30, 2021
UN Representative for UNECLAC in Santiago Chile

Maya Herrera Patricia - Argentina
UN Representatives · March 30, 2021
UN Representative for UNECLAC in Santiago Chile