Posts tagged with "New York"

Leaders' Summit & Clare Fulcher Reception 2024 in New York - Ticket Shop is open
Leaders' Summit News · February 02, 2024
To buy a ticket, you need a code. This will be sent to you by BPW International once your pre-registration has been accepted. The code is for your ticket(s) only.

Leaders' Summit and Clare Fulcher Dinner 2024, New York
Leaders' Summit News · December 20, 2023
Pre-Registration for Leaders' Summit and Clare Fulcher Dinner in New York. March 8-9, 2024.

Oral Statement at CSW67-2023 - VP Chularat Israngkool Na Ayutthaya reading the Oral Statement
UN News · April 10, 2023
BPW International was invited to give an Oral Statement on the occasion of CSW67-2023 in New York. Oral Statement.

Leaders' Summit New York, 3-4 March 2023
Leaders' Summit News · March 13, 2023
Photos from the Leaders' Summit in New York.

UN New York, Headquarters
Headquarters/Offices · July 01, 2021
The United Nations is headquartered in New York City. The headquarters holds the seats of the principal organs of the UN, including the General Assembly and the Security Council.

Ahmad, Nermin Karin - USA
UN Representatives · March 30, 2021
New York UN Representative

Bosshart Catherine - Switzerland
UN Representatives · March 30, 2021
BPW International President 2021-2024. UN Representative Geneva, UN Representative New York, UN Representative Vienna, ILO Geneva Representative, WHO Geneva Representative.

Finn Helena - USA
UN Representatives · March 30, 2021
UN Main Representative New York

Franklin Kelly Tallon - Canada
UN Representatives · March 30, 2021
UN Representative New York, UNHCR, ECOSOC, UNODC, ICAT

Kilachand, Judi - USA
UN Representatives · March 30, 2021
New York UN Representative, DGC/NGP New York Representative

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