Posts tagged with "UN Representative"

UNESCO 41st General Conference - Plenary & General Policy Debate
UN News · November 15, 2021
Speech (Video) of Marie-Claude Machon-Honoré, BPW International UN Representative to UNESCO, Paris, NGO­-UNESCO Liaison Committee Member, elected for the Europe and North America Region.

Burack Francesca - USA
UN Representatives · March 30, 2021
Headquarters New York, DPI/NGP, New York Representative

Clément-Arnold Elisabeth - Switzerland
UN Representatives · March 30, 2021
Geneva UN Representative, UNCTAD Geneva Representative

Elmaco Jenny Lind - Philippines
UN Representatives · March 30, 2021
Bangkok UNESCAP Representative

Finn Helena - USA
UN Representatives · March 30, 2021
UN Main Representative New York

Franklin Kelly Tallon - Canada
UN Representatives · March 30, 2021
UN Representative New York, UNHCR, ECOSOC, UNODC, ICAT

Gacitúa Martinez Clara - Chile
UN Representatives · March 30, 2021
UN Representative for UNECLAC in Santiago Chile

Gerber Cerrud Viquez, Doris - Switzerland
UN Representatives · March 30, 2021
Geneva UN Main Representative, ILO Geneva Representative

Germain Nolwenn - France
UN Representatives · March 30, 2021
UNSECO Representative, Paris

Gorajski Visconti Cristina - Italy
UN Representatives · March 30, 2021
Rome Representative, FAO Rome Representative

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