Posts tagged with "bpw.webinar Video"

NEW Video bpw.webinar - Partnership for Breast Cancer
bpw.webinar News · June 15, 2024
bpw.webinar organized by Margarida Yassuda, with BPW Madrid x Universidad Complutense Madrid and BPW São Paulo x Rotary Butantã, São Paulo

NEW Video bpw.webinar - BPW International & Italian Exhibition Group IEG  Business for BPW Members

bpw.webinar News · December 10, 2023
Harmonizing Ethical AI - Global Perspectives on Diversity, Inclusion, and the Regulatory Frameworks in International Law. YouTube Video

bpw.webinars Video - The Future of Work for Women in the 21st Century
bpw.webinar News · April 20, 2023
A bpw.webinar with Francesca Burack, Chair, and Team SC Development, Training, Employment with the panelists: Ana Duarte McCarty, Dr. Shyama Venkateswar and Larisa B. Miller

Our 1st Webinar as YouTube Video
Collaboration: The Pathway to Strength, Success and Sisterhood - A bpw.webinar with Francesca Burack, Chair, and the Standing Committee Team for Development, Training and Employment. - Webinar in English

bpw.webinar - Video "Collaboration: The Pathway to Strength, Success and Sisterhood"
bpw.webinar News · October 27, 2022
Collaboration: The Pathway to Strength, Success and Sisterhood - A bpw.webinar with Francesca Burack, Chair, and the Standing Committee Team for Development, Training and Employment. - Webinar in English

bpw.webinars - Video "Financial & Dues Policies"
bpw.webinar News · September 14, 2022
Finance & Dues Policies, with Eufemia Ippolito, BPW International Executive Finance Officer 2021-2024. Webinar in English. Link to YouTube Video.

bpw.webinars - Video "Standing Committee Agriculture - Information, Actions, Business Ideas"
bpw.webinar News · June 07, 2022
Link to the video of the bpw.webinar about SC Agriculture - Action Plan

Video from Webinar "Understanding BPW International's Constitution"
Executive Secretary News · May 09, 2022
Jenny Gulamani-Abdulla, JD, BPW International Executive Secretary 2021-2024. Webinar in English. Video.

bpw.webinars - Video "Understanding BPW International's Constitution"
bpw.webinar News · May 03, 2022
Jenny Gulamani-Abdulla, JD, BPW International Executive Secretary 2021-2024. Webinar in English. Video.