The USA Afghan Women Project - initiated by NFBPW-NYC chapter and adopted by the national organization NFBPWC as a special committee and official project
NFBPWC President Megan Shellman-Rickard writes in her communication to BPW International:
"Specifically, we will be working towards the following proactive goals with the intention of sharing the framework globally in the hopes of inspiring similar projects in other countries:
1. Guidebook
How to shortcut the adaptation process – stories and life hacks from other immigrant women, many of whom were deeply religious, who arrived to start a life here. The proposed guidebook will look at common perceptions and misperceptions and will explain fundamental differences that are commonly experienced.
2. Advocacy
Our robust Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee will provide cultural competency training for NFBPWC members and individuals involved in the effort to empower and advocate for arriving women and their families. The DEI Committee will work to unite us in our goal to celebrate and embrace differences and create collaborative opportunities.
3. Resources
Many of the refugees could only bring what they were wearing. There is a huge need to assist them with new goods such as undergarments and with gently used clothing, particularly large scarves. They will be hosted for a minimum of two weeks once they pass screening at entry locations, and will be shell-shocked, requiring rest as the recovery and integration process begins. Many will need to be taken by the hand and introduced to the American Way of Life.
4. Mentoring
Our group is experienced in mentoring business and professional women from all backgrounds, at all levels of expertise. Our Young BPW members have the capacity to advise and connect with younger women as they get situated. Our student members are positioned to help their peers adapt to college and universities and host focus groups. Our Mentoring Program can provide an opportunity for these women to develop the wisdom and experience likely needed as they re-establish their lives and careers in this country."