Chularat Israngkool Na Ayutthaya, Chair, Thailand, Asia Pacific
Balogun Ajo, Nigeria, Africa
Detien Vodounnou Raissa Nadia, Benin, Africa
Elmaco Jenny, Philippines, Asia Pacific
Fong Lisa, Hongkong, Hongkong, Asia Pacific
Karna Meena Dr., Nepal, Asia Pacific
Machon-Honoré Marie-Claude, France, Europe
Nason Dawn, Canada, North America & the Caribbean
Nawawi Rozaini, Malaysia, Asia Pacific
Paris Tiziana, Croatia, Europe
Pirani Claudia, Brazil, Latin America
Prasai Avipsa, Nepal, Asia Pacific
Shaw Carole, Australia, Asia Pacific
Shawa Sajeda, Jordan, Asia Pacific
Silva Thalita, Brazil, Latin America
Tallon Franklin Kelly, Canada, North America & The Caribbean
Tekkaya Sanem, Turkey, Europe
Tortosa Céspedes Inès, Spain, Europe
Tosi Antonella, Italy, Europe
Uzun Derya, Turkey, Europe
✝︎ Van Unen Judith A., Australia, Asia Pacific
Zongo Sylviane, Burkina Faso, Africa

Chularat (Toyting) Israngkool Na Ayutthaya
BPW International 1st VP UN 2021-2024
BPW International Standing Committee UN Chair 2021-2024
BPW International UN Representative ESCAP, Bangkok
BPW International ASEAN Sub-Regional Coordinator 2017-2020
BPW Thailand, Club Bangkok
Thai, English, Italian, French, German, Chinese
Chularat (Toyting) Israngkool Na Ayutthaya
graduated with a Bachelor Degree in Political Sciences. She is fluent in English and Italian and has communication knowledge of French, German, and Chinese.
In her profession, she is a Realtor Certified International Property Specialist and member of the National Association of Realtors worldwide. Moreover, she is a Coordinator for the Ambassadors of the Republic of Liberia and Republic of Côte d’Ivoire in Thailand. She is ASEAN Sub-Regional Coordinator and alternative representative to the United Nations ESCAP for BPW International during the triennium 2017 to 2020. Her motto is “One World one family and everything is possible”. She likes to travel and meet people around the world and take this opportunity to help women in various places.
At the BPW International XXX General Assembly 2021 she was elected as BPW International 1st Vice President for the department United Nations for the Triennium 2021-2024.

Ajo Nadia Balogun
Welfare Secretary ( present)
VP Membership (past)
BPW Lekki, Lagos
English, French
Ajo Balogun began her career at the Ford Foundation and the United Nations Development Programme, coordinating the activities of the Resident Coordinator’s office particularly in knowledge sharing and management, and French-English translation projects
With over 14 years Human Resources and senior management experience, her passion is seeped in the development of Africa’s workforce, and advising on SDG strategies for organisations with an emphasis on Goals 3 & 8.
She holds a Management Masters from Durham University, a BA in Information Management & Publishing, Journalism and Teaching English as a Foreign Language certifications. She is a Life Coaching for Business & Happiness certified coach and more recently attended the Science of Well-being Certification course from Yale University.
She is an advocate for happiness and has developed a tech tool to promote mental health and well-being for happier workplaces; while still working in Girl education in schools.
Raïssa Nadia Detien Vodounnou
Secretary General BPW Cotonou 2014
2nd Vice-President BPW Cotonou 2081-2019
President BPW Cotonou 2019-2022
BPW Cotonou Benin
French, English, German, notion in Chinese and Arabic
My name's Raïssa Nadia Detien Vodounnou, I am from Benin, à beautiful West African country. I am a holder of a Cambridge Certificate in English and a Translator by profession. I am currently the Assistant to the President of the Economic and Social Council of my country. As part of my job, I participated in 2019 to CSW63 in New York.
I became a member of BPW Cotonou Benin in 2014 and served as General Secretary and 2nd Vice-President. In 2019, I have been elected President of the club for 2019-2022. In Bénin, we work a lot on education in general and girls' education in particular. Within that framework, I was the Project Manager for the construction of a 3 class modules including offices, latrines and water durillig on behalf of an underpriviledge school in my country. In 2021, BPW Cotonou Benin presented a project for the UNESCO Literacy Prize on digital Alphabetization that entered the last round. BPW Cotonou-Benin also help a lot children in orphanage homes to improve upon their living and learning conditions by making donation of food and learning materials. Our aim is also to help children with disabilities in their education in order to give them hope and ensure their future. BPW Cotonou Bénin empower women and help them build their capacity by giving them training and by offering them working materials.
As a Business woman, I own a fashion and wedding accessories and children’s wear boutique and deal in agribusiness.
Dr. Jenny Lind Elmaco
Asia Pacific Representative, BPW BusinessNet Tasforce
Board Member, BPW Makati
Incorporator, BPW Makati
BPW Philippines
Spanish, German, English, Filipino, Cebuano
Academic Expert/Key Expert, centralised support to Erasmus+ National Focal Points, European Commission
- Awardee of the Global Exemplary Education Double Gold Award from the Global Women Inventors and Innovators Network (GlobalWIN), UK.
- Awardee of the Global Exemplary Innovative Leadership Diamond Award from the Global Women Inventors and Innovators Network (GlobalWIN), UK.
- She was recognized with the Marie Curie Social Impact Award for her work in COVID response, peace and gender initiatives
- Fulbright-Hays Grant for the Project ‘Girls Congress’
- US State Department International Visitor Leadership Program Recipient
- Fellow of the Royal Society of the Arts (UK)
- Alumna of the prestigious Marie Sklodowska Curie Fellowship and recipient of the Erasmus Mundus as well as other recognitions.
- She is a National Contact Point of the MSCA, European Research Council and Research Infrastructures and Regional Coordinator of EURAXESS.
- United Nations Standing Committee/ UN Commission on the Status of Women Working Group Head, International Federation of Business and Professional Women
- Board Director, Association for Young Environmental Journalists
- PhD in Peace and International Development from Catedra UNESCO Cátedra UNESCO de Filosofía para la Paz de la Universitat Jaume I, sobresaliente cum laude (excellent with honors)
- International MBA in Big Data and Business Intelligence, EAE Business School (high marks)
- European Masters in Global Studies from the Universities of Leipzig and Vienna under Erasmus Mundus Scholarship of the European Commission (final paper A)
- Masters in Peace, Security Development and International Conflict Transformation from the University of Innsbruck , Tyrolean Scholarship, Bancaja Scholarship
She has extensive experience in international development and diplomacy, strategic partnerships, research and innovation across continents and has worked with international organizations such as AECID, ADB, UN, as international consultant / expert.
Hui Yi Lisa Fong
BPW Hong Kong President (2019-2021)
BPW Hong Kong Secretary (2018-2019)
BPW Hong Kong
Hong Kong SAR
English, Mandarin, Cantonese, Thai, French
Lisa Fong is a multidisciplinary consultant who specializes in strategic communication and digital strategies. She focuses on solving the complex challenges faced by multinational businesses in Asia-Pacific, especially as it relates to reputation, branding, crisis and issues management, and a company’s traditional and digital presence. Lisa advises private and listed companies across the financial technology, professional services, insurance, health, wealth management, consultancy, real estate and legal sectors.
Lisa has served as the President of The Hong Kong Association of Business and Professional Women (BPW Hong Kong) from 2019 to 2021. She leads a team of 14 officers, supports the officers, committee and taskforce functions, and oversees general proceedings. BPW Hong Kong supports the United Nations' Sustainability Development Goals through its range of projects, development workshops and its advocacy efforts. She also contributes her time as a communications coach for student teams participating in the International Blockchain Olympiad (IBCOL).
She is currently pursuing a Master of Business Administration in International Business and recently completed the NGO Leadership Programme, organized by The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Operational Santa Claus by South China Morning Post and Radio Television Hong Kong and UBS. In her spare time, Lisa is an avid soccer player and enjoys exploring new recipes for food and cocktails.
Dr. Meena Karna
Executive Member BPW Nepal
Vice President BPW, Patan
BPW Nepal
English, Nepali, Hindi, Maithili, Bhojpuri, Bengali and Marwari.
Dr. Meena Karna has a Professional Degree in Financial Analysis and Research writing. She has worked in Nepal Bank Ltd. as a Manager. She has received so many awards from Nepal Bank Ltd. and other Institutions as well. Her Academic qualifications proved her professionalism as well. She has awarded with Degree of Philosophy in Microfinance and Women Empowerment. She has completed two Masters Degrees one in Business Administration (MBA in Finance) and Public Administration (MPA in Human Resource). Recently she has been selected as Member of BPW International Standing Committee United Nation from Nepal. She is Executive Member of BPW Nepal and Vice-President of BPW Patan. She is intelligent, energetic and always ready to help members of BPW as well as needy women of the society around the globe.
Dr. Marie-Claude Machon-Honoré
BPW International main rep to UNESCO since 2012.
Member of the NGO-UNESCO Liaison Committee elected by the 2020 ICNGO on behalf of IFBPW and member of the CCNGO-Education 2030 coordination group.
Member of the International Task force on Women in STEM.
Past candidate for the position of IFBPW UN Vice-President on GA 2021
Elected IFBPW member of the NGO-UNESCO Liaison Committee 2016-18.
Presented by BPW International as Chair of ICNGO in 2018.
Past BPW Nice Intercontinental VP.
BPW Paris Ile de France
French, English, Spanish
Marie-Claude Machon-Honoré is a retired Professor and Doctor in Anglophone studies, Sorbonne Paris and a graduate of the Institute of Gender and Development Studies, UWI.
Immediate past Chair of the ICNGO and member of the NGO-UNESCO Liaison Committee for the 2nd time, she has been active in advocating for NGOs, strengthening BPW partnership with UNESCO, making our actions for SDG5 visible, connecting with Member States and mutilateral agencies, defending the right to education as key pillar to all SDGs, as CCNGO-Ed2030 CG member since 2017.
She co-lead International NGO-UNESCO forums on Women in fighting poverty, Climate Change, Science, inviting BPW Mexico, Nigeria, Jeju, HK, Europe to Beijing, Mexico, Moscow, Paris, Sozopol as speakers. She was panelist at COP 21.
She has often taken the floor at UNESCO and contributed to written statements including CSWs. She has a special interest in promoting Women in STEM with UNESCO Education and Water sectors and beyond.
Fully cognizant of the UN and committed to accelerating women’s rights, she is eager to work with UN SC to share her experience and promote BPW activities globally and locally, in an intergenerational dialogue.
Rozaini Nawawi
President, BPW Putrajaya Malaysia Club (2018 - 2021)
President, Federation of BPW Malaysia (2021 - 2024)
BPW Putrajaya Malaysia
English, Malaysian
ROZAINI NAWAWI is the first President of the Federation of BPW Malaysia. Helming the federation office since 2021, Rozaini has previously served as the President of the BPW Putrajaya Malaysia chapter from 2018 to 2021. Enthusiastic and ambitious, Rozaini believes that effort and hard work are key essences for success. Rozaini has more than 20 years of experience as a professional real estate negotiator and marketing for products and services. Apart from her professional career, Rozaini also active in other non-governmental organizations in Malaysia such as Malaysian Friendly Consumer Association serving as Vice President and as the member of Malaysian Natural Heritage Protection Association.
Rozaini believes that her involvement in the BPW International will provide significant contribution to BPW Malaysia efforts to build up the capacity of Malaysian women in business and professional fields. Rozaini also believes that as a member to the BPW International, she could enhance her knowledge and will be able to create good networking with other members from all around the world.
Rozaini also envisions to build up and grow the knowledge and capacity of BPW Malaysia members. Rozaini has encouraged all BPW Malaysia’s members to actively participate in BPW related activities organized at both local and international level such as webinars, online meetings and attending international BPW conferences.
Tiziana Paris
Coordinator BPW Young Pula (2015-2020)
Executive Board BPW Pula (since 2021)
BPW Pula
Croatian, Italian, English, German, French
Tiziana Paris
I am a fully qualified Croatian Attorney at law and Law Mediator with more than 14 years of experience in Civil and Commercial Law and an active member of the International Association Worldwide Independent Lawyers League.
Since 2013 I also collaborate with the Italian Embassy in Rijeka, Croatia. Furthermore, from 2013 until today, I am an active member of BPW Pula which allows us (my team and me) to keep in touch and help with our legal knowledge foreigners in Croatia. From 2015- 2020 I have been the Coordinator of BPW Young Pula and since 2021 I am part of the Executive Board of BPW Pula.
In 2017-2018 I have actively participated with a special commission from Croatian Bar on education at the European Court in Luxembourg and at the European Court for Humans rights in Strasbourg. Finally since 2021 I am a Member of the
istrain Region Working Group for the Italian language.
What makes me suitable for being part of the BPW International Committee is the fact that I possess a very thorough knowledge of the International and EU law terminology, which is backed with solid experience and academic qualifications.
Subsequently I can guarantee a good mentoring, networking, as well as to help the Association in legal and economic empowerment programs and projects around the world.
Claudia Pirani
President of BPW São Paulo Brazil 2018-2020, 2020-2022
D20 International Delegation for CSW 61 / 62 / 63 / 64 and 65 – Commision on the Status of Women at UN in New York - Latin America Representative
BPW São Paulo
Portuguese, English
Claudia Valéria de Carvalho e Silva Pirani
Graduated in Social Communication, B.A in Public Relations, LSC-Language Studies Canadá Certified – Teaching English as a Second Language, Administration and Sales by FGV – São Paulo, Coaching by Coaching Coffee Goal Lab, Future Leader Program Certified by Crescimentum, Empretec by Sebrae - UN.
Co-Founder at LanguageLand Immersion Courses and “Taylor made” Classes in English, Specializing in Immersion Programs and Intensive Processes in English in Brazil and aborad, for Executives.
Co-Founder at Cenarium Training and Coaching – Specializing in develops workshops and lectures in Leadership, High Team Performances, Women’s Leadership, Gender Equality, Team Development, Communication and presentation Techniques and Public, and others according to the customers.
International Experiences in training courses in Canada and the United States.
Volunteer for Refugee Groups in the UN Global Compact Program for Learning Protuguese as a Foreign Language.
Currently President of BPW São Paulo Brazil, 2º management. 2018-2020 – 2020-2022 – Business Professional Women – Association of Business and Professional Women of São Paulo 2018-2022. Non-governmental organization, public, non-partisan, affiliated with BPW International. It embraces a social space, intellectually active composed of entrepreneurs, executives and professionals from diferent areas of production and knowledge.
Avipsa Prasai
Vice President of BPW Budhanilkantha
BPW Budhanilkantha
English, Nepali
Avipsa Prasai
Data Analyst | IT Professional | Project Manager | Young BPW Member
Skilled Data Analyst and Project Manager with extensive experience in interpreting and analyzing data to drive successful business solutions. Proficient in various data management and analysis tools. Strong background in project leadership and community initiatives. Enthusiastic professional with a passion for melding Information and Communication Technology (ICT) with community service.
Avipsa Prasai, a 21-year-old university IT student at DeerwalkInstitute of Technology and a young BPW member from Nepal, passionately explores the transformative realm of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Seamlessly blending technical expertise with a dedication to community service, Avipsa exemplifies the potential of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to address societal needs. Her leadership shines in innovative projects where AI enhances efficiency and collaboration. Avipsa's initiatives showcase the synergy between AI and community service, highlighting technology's positive impact on societal challenges. While leveraging AI's advantages in IT, she remains mindful of ethical concerns, including algorithmic biases and job displacement. Avipsa prioritizes striking a balance between technological innovation and ethical responsibility in navigating the dynamic landscape of IT and AI. In essence, she embodies the modern IT professional, utilizing AI for academic and community-driven projects, all while conscientiously addressing the ethical dimensions of technological advancements.
Carole Shaw is a visionary executive and strategist with a demonstrated history of leadership roles focused on advancing women’s rights and promoting gender equality around the world. Developing and driving high level strategies for non-profit management, advocacy, stakeholder engagement, policy development and strategy. Operating at a grassroots level (with marginalized communities) and at the policy level with governments and institutions.
Carole led the Australian National Reviews on the Beijing Platform for Action (BPFA) for Beijng +5, +10, +15, +20 and +25. She is the UN Coordinator for Asia Pacific Women’s Watch (APWW) and Co-Chair of the NGO Committee on the Status of Women – Asia Pacific (NGOCSW AP).
With a focus on Human Rights and Gender Equality she is highly skilled in Gender Policy, International Relations, International Policy, Nonprofit Organisations, Government, Program Evaluation, Lecturing, Grass Roots Activism and Volunteer Management. Carole works within an intersectional human rights framework to support the capacity of national organisations to engage and advocate for social justice, equity and empowerment of women and girls. She is a thought leader in movement building to advance the rights of women and girls, ensure gender-inclusive policies and financing, and justice, and address structural barriers to women's access to resources and advancement.
Thalita Veronica Gonçalves e Silva is a dedicated public defender in Sao Paulo, Brazil, with nearly two decades of experience. Fluent in English and Spanish, she holds a Graduate degree in Human Rights and Access to Justice, as well as a Bachelor of Laws. Collaborating closely with community organizations, she has actively contributed to amplifying the voices of the underprivileged, ensuring their rights are upheld in decision-making processes. A passionate advocate of anti-racist climate justice and the rights of Nature, Thalita emphasizes the crucial link between addressing historical injustices and effective climate action. She was appointed as the coordinator of the Environmental Law & Climate Justice Program at the Public Defender's Office School, and she served as an advisor in the Brazilian Delegation at the UN 2023 Water Conference and the UN 2023 SDG Summit. Recently appointed to BPW International Standing Committee United Nations (Human Rights), Thalita is committed to advocating for a system change, not climate change.
Kelly Tallon Franklin
Task Force Anti Human Trafficking, Chair
BPW Canada Vice-President & Communications Chair
BPW Club Prince Edwards and Hastings
Kelly Tallon Franklin, Canada
Noted Expert and Valued Consultant
Survivor of Human Trafficking, Child Sexual Abuse, Coerced Crimes
Advocacy, Lobbying, Project Development, Policy Advisor, Women, Girls Human Trafficking, Sexual Exploitation, Trauma, Horse Therapy, Survivors of human trafficking leadership , sexual abuse, and domestic partner violence critical lens. Cross-cultural focus and self-direction in empowerment. Calls to Action in all areas of Human Rights and Codes of Ethics
Current Role at BPW International
Chairperson Anti Human Trafficking Task Force
Standing Committee United Nations (Human Rights)
Current Role at BPW Canada
Chairperson Anti-Human Trafficking Priority Theme
Vice-President & Communications Chair
BPW Canada UNCSW Delegate
Current Role at BPW ONTARIO
Human Trafficking Task Force Committee Chair
Other roles
Co-Founder of: ProjectONroute ProjectMapleLeaf ProjectInterclusion
International Survivors of Trafficking Advisory Council (ISTAC) Cohort Expert Consultant
Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) with
Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE)
NGO CSW Europe and North America – Executive Board
National Council of Women Canada, International – UNCSW Delegate
National Ethical Movement in ToP – Founding Board Member
Sanem Tekkaya
I am the co-founder of SUS TALKS which is an international and digital publication related to sustainable development.
In August 2019, my essay got published in the winners category of Harvard Global Women’s Empowerment competition which was about challenges women and girls face in our countries.
I have presented a project based on refugees and cultural integration to the department of Human Rights in New York. The project was developed with the school team, UNICEF and the United Nations.
I have written several Erasmus+ Youth Exchange Projects because I had participated in the Erasmus+ Project Writing course of Turkish National Agency. Among 370 people, as one of the finalists I was in the 33h place for Turkish National Philosophy Olympiads.
I was selected as a participant for the European Union Human Rights Short Film Scenario Worshop which lasted for 6 weeks and was organized by European Delegation in Turkey and UN Women Turkey.
I have been a guest on a live interview with Maltepe Manicipality for the Commemoration of Atatürk, Youth and Sport Day.
With my project which was related to arts and sustainability, I had become one of the finalists in “Sen Gencsin Guc Sensin” which is organized by ETI and TOG.
I have been selected to participate in the Social Inclusion Youth Leadership program offered by UNHCR.
My team was the Global Round Qualifier and I was awarded with 4 silver medals (Debate Champions, Writing Campions, Team Writing, Team Bowl) from the international competition the World Scholar’s Cup.
Ines Tortosa belongs, since 2018, to BPW-Madrid for being the most important Women's Association in Spain that fights for equality initiatives.
She has been working at the Spanish Railways Foundation since 1991, first developing projects for Spanish high-speed lines and organizing national and international training programs; in 2005, she began to work in cultural and communication activities. Currently, she is Coordinator of Sponsorship Projects at the Madrid Railway Museum.
She is the author of articles for magazines and blogs and the curator of RailArte Collection.
She studied a specialization course in Foundation Management (Universidad CEU San Pablo-Spain 2017). She is an Expert in Planning and Management of Development Cooperation Projects in the field of Education, Science and Culture (UNED University and OEI-Spain 2002). At Middlesex University, UK (1991), she completed an MBA: Management in Europe and at Universidade Federal do Espirito Santo, Brazil (1983), she graduated with a BA in Economics.
She likes painting, photography and traveling around the world. She speaks English, Portuguese and French.
Derya Uzun, from Turkey, is the SHERPA Institute UN SDG Corporate Guidebook Series Community Care Coordinator, maintaining multiple global communities of the 100+ contributors from diverse industries, as well as the Young Professionals Group. She holds a bachelor’s degree in International Trade and Finance. Derya is currently studying the Chinese Language with a full scholarship from Confucius Institute.
Uzun is the Co-founder of the SUS TALKS, a publication organization working on sustainability. Very passionate about writing, she has written articles in Turkish, Chinese, and English. Derya is preparing to launch her website, named United Stories, which tells stories about sustainability for children.
This storytelling effort is a continuation of her early social responsibility awareness and action with the “Book Reading Club” that she established at age eleven. She pioneered the procurement of books not found in her city from outside the city so that all children could read them. In addition, she carried out personal projects and campaigns to recognize the right to education of the girls around her. Derya is also active in several community activities.
✝︎ Judith van Unen
International Congress XXX Elections Chair, (Virtual) 2021
International Congress XXIX Elections Chair, Egypt 2017
Asia Pacific Oceania Sub Regional CoOrdinator, 2009-2011
BPW CoOperative Board, Vice Chair, 2005-
Australian Federation President 2000-2002, 2002-2004
International Congress XXIV Federation Host, Melbourne 2002
Victoria State President 1995-1997, 1997-1999
BPW Melbourne
English, Spanish
✝︎ Judith van Unen
A fervent activist for small business has guided Judith to advocate at all levels of government to improve the status of women in the economy. That passion has led to training organisations in post conflict/post disaster countries to educate women on businesses that provide predictable and decent work and to promote positive action to achieve gender equality, as well providing a gender lends on business policy development to regional governments. As a civil society expert on Australian government delegations to the UN and APEC, attending CSW every year since 1999, her career has focussed on directly advancing women’s participation in policy discussions and positive change. A deep skill set with demonstrated strengths in leadership, governance and strategy, policy development and implementation, she is an acknowledged leader and advocate with a proven record of delivering major change initiatives. Judith is innovative, a fiercely optimistic person and infatiguable when set on a course.
Judith van Unen died in May 2022 as a result of her cancer. Obituary
I am Sylviane Zongo, I am a student in Master 2 Audit and management control, very young I cultivated the spirit of social. I joined the world of women's associations at a very young age with the aim of making my modest contribution to the development of women and also learning from them. With the president of Young BPW Burkindi we set up the young section of BPW. I am looking for a job, but I focus most of my time on the life of the association. Our goal is really to bring a real change in the life of the women of Burkina, who, because of their poverty, do not have the capacity to launch themselves fully into entrepreneurial life or do not have the capacity to develop their activity. Burkinabe women deserve a lot because they are mostly heads of families. Thank you to all the women of BPW, I am delighted to be part of this association and to learn from you.
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