
New Twinning - BPW FIDAPA Gravina in Puglia, Italy, to Twin with BPW Kyrenia, Cyprus

Women in Business was the theme of the return twinning between the Gravina in Puglia Club and the Kyrenia Cyprus Club, promoted by Eufemia Ippolito, BPW Executive Finance Officer and Past National President of FIDAPA BPW Italy. The President of the Gravina Club in Puglia, Mariangela Aquila, and her members hosted the President of the BPW Kyrenia-Cyprus Club, Georgia Neofytou, and friends and accompanied them on a touristic, cultural and economic tour of the town of Gravina in Puglia, introducing them to the archaeological, cultural, environmental and economic aspects that led to the partnership with the Kyrenia-Cyprus Club.

From 14 to 17 June 2024, the members of the Kyrenia Club visited the historical archaeological sites of the city and also toured one of the most innovative and efficient companies in the national and international agri-food sector. On 15 June 2024, the international twinning ceremony was held at the town hall of Gravina in Puglia under the direction of Nellina Basile, Chair of the BPW Twinning Task Force, and in the presence of the mayor and the international and national authorities of BPW International and FIDAPA BPW Italy: The International President, Catherine Bosshart, the National President, Concetta Corallo, the EFO Eufemia Ippolito, the European RC Anu Vicks and the PD Elisabetta Grande.

On the afternoon of 15 June, the conference on Women on Boards was held, with panels given by speakers from the academic world and banking as well as representatives of company boards. The content of the panel discussions was highly appreciated by those present. The twinning helped to strengthen both the cultural aspect and the friendship between the two clubs as well as the spirit of sisterhood of BPW International.

Mariangela Aquila, President BPW Club Gravina in Apulia

June 2024