Constitutional Corner
According to BPW International’s Constitution, the organization is defined as “a non-partisan, non-profit organisation of unlimited duration with voluntary membership and leadership.” There are four key areas that the Constitution focuses on under C2: Type of Organization.
The first and foremost is that BPW International “does not discriminate on the basis of background or beliefs, and respects human rights.” This is quite significant as it aligns with one of our aims under C3(3) where it is stated that we advocate for the “elimination of all discrimination against women, and for human rights and the use of gender-sensitive perspectives.” It is clear that what we advocate for at BPW International is exactly the kind of organization we really are and what we truly stand for.
Under C2 it continues to state that BPW International’s “procedures are democratic, transparent and inclusive of all members. Its decision-making bodies are accountable to the members and its funds are carefully managed and used to promote and achieve its aims.” These strong statements support our values of democracy, inclusion, equality, fairness, honesty and integrity.
It is essential that the above be understood in context because BPW International’s Regulations under R5.5: Affiliate Constitutions, states that the “Constitutions of Affiliates require approval by BPW International and must comply with the BPW International Constitution and Regulations and to ensure good governance. It is therefore imperative that local, national, and regional constitutions, no matter where they have been drafted, approved and registered, align with the overall values and aims of BPW International.
Many of our members will be attending regional and national conferences in the coming days and months. These conferences present an opportunity to ensure and strengthen good governance. The work that is taking place globally is admirable and we have confidence in the collective professional competencies of our members.
Dr. Jenny Gulamani Abdulla, Executive Secretary 2021-2024