Beatriz Rosa
BPW São Paulo - BPW Brazil - BPW Latin America
Portuguese, English, French and Spanish
Beatriz Rosa is Mechanical Production Engineer, MBA Technology&Management of Distributed Generation&Cogeneration, specialized in Defense Engineering, Arbitrator, Mediator, Engineering
Expert, experienced in industries on strategic/infrastructure projects and member of Dispute Boards. She contributes/influences for Public Policies on Sectors: Energy, Oil&Gas, Nuclear,
Buildings&Civil Construction, Steel&Industrial Plants, Transport, Mining, Environment, Sanitation and others. Treasurer of Inaugural Region4 LATAM of DisputeResolutionBoardFoundation.
Founder&Council of BrazilianInstituteConstructionLaw. Councils of BrazilianInstituteEnergyLaw and EngineeringInstitute. Member of IWB-InfraWomenBrazil and
MLC-MujeresLíderesenConstrucción/Peru. Partner at Tarobá Engenharia. Several articles published, including a “Code of Ethics for Experts and Technical Assistants in Processes”. In April 1996
inaugurated her own business, Tarobá Eng. She collaborates at BPW Local, National and International levels and has been attending UN CSW (NY-USA) since 2014. She was speaker at 2012 and 2013
Cross Cultural Understanding – Pre-Conference of Cairo International Women´s Congress and at Side Event of CSW 61 on Italy Mission. She represents IFBPW before UNIDO since 2015.