
Francesca Burack - USA

Francesca Burack


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New York UN Representative



2022 UN New York IFBPW Report

Francesca Burack is the CEO/President of Fearless Talent Development, Inc a Human Resources consultancy that supports fearlessness in people, especially women. She is a recognized international speaker, author, trusted advisor/coach and global leader.


Francesca has inspired business audiences around the world.  As a consultant, she works with companies seeking systemic change in their management practices and culture.  As a coach and strategist, she guides individuals to fearlessly step into their own power and take fearless action with heart and conviction. She is the author of “Women Are Special -123 Reasons Why,” available on Amazon.


Francesca has been working with emerging and experienced leaders for 35 years. Her special gift is helping people reframe and refocus situations in the most positive, realistic way, so that new options and directions are created and implemented.


Francesca is dedicated to helping women short-circuit their learning curve to claim their value, communicate effectively so their voice is heard, navigate difficult situations and feel authentic and good while doing it. 


Past President of the National Federation of Business and Professional Women’s Clubs-NYC (an affiliate of BPW-International). Francesca has worked tirelessly for women’s equality and parity, advocating for women to have a Voice at the table, not just a seat. She also represents IFBPW (aka BPW-International) at the UN, and is a member of the BPW North American & Caribbean Executive Committee.


Awards include:

  • “Excellence in Business Performance and Commitment to New York City” - New York Chamber of Commerce and Industry 
  • “Women in Business Advocate of the Year” for her commitment to the advancement of women’s business ownership - U.S. Small Business Administration
  • “Lilly Ledbetter Award for Advancing Equality for Women” 
  • Elected Delegate to the White House Conference on Small Business.