It is time to deliver!
BPW Germany is contributing to the Women7 process through the involvement of its long-term member, Christine Heinze (on the photo far right), who was named W7 Advisor during Germany’s W7 Presidency and acts as one of two Co-Chairs of the Working Group on „Economic Empowerment, Justice and Rights“.
Women7 (W7) is a group of civil society organizations to promote proposals on gender equality and women’s right within the G7. Its objective is to ensure that G7 leaders make concrete political and financial commitments with a tangible, lasting and transformative impact on the lives of women and girls in all their diversity.
Please join us in our lobbying efforts to implement the W7 demands into policy by G7 governments. Please find all W7 demands in the Communique and the Implementation Plan.
It´s time to deliver.
Christine Heinze, BPW Germany (Mail)

Women7 hands over W7 Communiqué to Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz
25 May 2022 - Press Release
As part of the international Women7 (W7) Summit, Dr. Beate von Miquel, President of the National Council of German Women’s Organizations (DF), handed over the W7 Communiqué to German Chancellor Olaf Scholz today.
In the Communiqué, Women7 calls on G7 leaders to make concrete political and financial commitments to implement gender equality in all policy fields. Prior to this, over 60 representatives of civil society organizations from 24 countries had developed the W7 Communiqué in a multi-stage consultation process.
„50% of humanity must hold 50% of power. And the G7 in particular needs to live up to that standard.”, Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz stated in his keynote.
“No crisis is gender-neutral. The goal of gender justice must be the basis and starting point for every political negotiation of the G7. We welcome the fact that Germany has pledged to advance gender equality between women, men, and non-binary persons globally within the framework of the G7 Presidency. Today, we hand over concrete recommendations for implementation to the G7 and demand: We need tangible commitments!”, said DF President von Miquel at the handover of the W7 Communiqué.
On Tuesday, Federal Minister for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth Lisa Paus opened the two-day summit with a keynote. Her speech was followed by discussions of W7 core asks between Minister of State for Europe and Climate at the Federal Foreign Office, Dr. Anna Lührmann and representatives of international civil society. The two-day event took place in a hybrid format in Berlin.
The recordings can be retrieved from the W7 website
Overview G7 History
In the Spotlight:
G7 and C7 – History, Challenges and the Way Forward
This online workshop gives an overview of the history of the G7 – its formation, modes of action, major challenges – with a particular focus on civil society engagement. The aim is to give participants background information on the G7/C7 processes and to provide examples and insights on civil society advocacy activities: Where has the work of NGOs been reflected in the final G7 declarations? What can we learn from other processes such as the C20? What strategies proved to be successful?

Since 30 years, Christine Heinze is a voluntary member of BPW Germany (Business and Professional Women Germany) and advocates for (young) business and professional women. She is the founder of Young BPW Germany, the founder of BPW Germany´s Mentoring programme and wrote the book „Women on course for success with mentoring. How to get ahead.“, Herder Verlag Freiburg. On behalf of BPW International, Christine served from 1999 – 2002 as the Young BPW Representative for Europe, from 2002 – 2005 as the Young BPW Representative in the UN Committee and was selected by the General Secretary from 2003 – 2005 as a member of the Advisory Council on Youth at the Council of Europe in Strasbourg and successfully lobbied NGO´s and governments to implement „Gender Equality“ and „Umemployment“ for the first time ever in the Youth Sector of the Council of Europe´s programme from 2006 - 2009. For her voluntary service, Christine received the 1st prize “Outstanding Young BPW Leader” from BPW International in 2002. Since 2012, she is a fellow of Global Responsible Leaders by BMW Herbert Quandt Foundation and since 2010, a delegate at the German National Womens Council.
In her professional life, Christine looks back on a 30 years international career in Finance with a focus on Corporate and Investment Banking. Besides Germany, she has studied and worked in the US, Japan and China. Thus speaks German, English, French, Chinese, Japanese and is a certified Non-Executive Director.
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