Cooperation among all people cannot remain a dream,
but something that must become actuality if our civilization is to survive. We cannot afford to wait long in this changing and changed worlds. It is now – not in the next century or even in the next generation, but now – that we and the men and women of all nations, must recognize that no man live unto himself - no country can live unto itself.
Lena Madesin Phillips, 1931
Commitment to BPW worldwide is a matter close to the heart of Géraldine Crevat, BPW France. At her workshop in Reykjavik, she captivated the participants with a report on her work in her BPW International Member Projects and on her new Task Force Intercontinental Mobility.
Watch here parts of her presentation from Reykjavik, in English and in French and download the respective pdfs. For questions, please contact Géraldine.
Slideshow in English
Slideshow in French
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Dr. Meena Karna (Wednesday, 31 August 2022 10:53)
I want to join
Marie-Christine De Tilly (Friday, 25 August 2023 19:28)
Je suis membre de BPW Mtl et j'aimerais grandement participer à la prochaine formation. Je vous laisse mes coordonnées 438-880-5086
Merci et bonne journée.
Anni Osarogie (Wednesday, 30 August 2023 10:26)
I would like to join this too, please.