BPW International Parallel Events at UN CSW 67 - March 6-17, 2023

What is CSW and how does it work? bpw.webinar Video


Where to register for the parallel events?


BPW Spain

Monday - March 6, 2023 

6:15 PM to 7:45 PM New York - In-person: CCUN 8th Floor

Live Stream: 


Is digitization the path to gender equality and women empowerment?



Digitization is synonymous with the future, but we have to ensure that this future reaches everyone equally. We want digitization to be at the service of inclusion, gender equality and social justice, placing the people in the center.

It´s very important to reduce the gender gap in digital transformation. We are facing a lack of female leadership in technology and also we face another challenge undeniable: the skills gap. And finally, if we want women to dedicate themselves to technology, they cannot face an environment employment with salary discrimination.

BPW Carol Hanlon

Tuesday - March 7, 2023 

4:00 AM to 6:00 AMNew York - virtual



Economic Empowerment of Women through Innovation and Sustainable Development Goals 



BPW Susan O'Malley

Tuesday - March 7, 2023 

3:00 PM to 4:30 PM New York - virtual



Countering Digital Violence Against Women in Public Life 



"Violence against women in politics is a violation of human rights that aims to undermine governance."

Deputy Secretary Secretary -General Amina Mohammed, 15 March 2022

The Canadian Association of Feminist Parliamentarians was founded in 2018. The Association demonstrates the drive for collaboration and support among Canadian feminist senators.

BPW Canada

Tuesday - March 7, 2023

6:15 PM to 7:45 PM New York – In-Person CCUN 8th floor & virtual

Register for both: 


igniteHer - WomXn in Technology



This event is co-hosted by The Canadian Federation of business and Professional Women and the Gender Equality Coalition of Ontario. IgnitHer: WomXn in Technology is a revolutionary and innovative landmark program for women looking to build technology, digital and employment-ready skills.

The program recognizes that women face multiple barriers to employment and is internationally accessible, inclusive and flexible.

This program supports women from marginalized Backgrounds including women of colour, Indigenous and women who identify as non-binary.

These women are given technology training but also receive mental health and wellness supports and post-hire career coaching. The goal is to inspire and empower women to overcome gender barriers that are systemc in our society.

BPW International

Wednesday - March 8, 2023

12:30 PM to 2:00 PM New York – In-Person CCUN Chapel & virtual



Investing in Women and Digital Technologies



Education and training must ensure that labour is equipped with the skills in the digital technologies. There must be a collective push to channel investments in women and girls, particularly in skills development that reduces gender-based sectoral and occupational segregation. Investment is urgently needed in training women in STEM.  Incentivization and collaboration with the private sector are needed to attract more women to tech jobs, and to diversify the pipeline creating these new technologies. Assessments should be made on the displacements of women in industries due to automation, AI and deep tech. 

The panel will focus on several aspects of women and digital technologies, specifically on the conditions which should be fulfilled to give women a secure work environment. Digital technologies hold many dangers beside facilitating and accelerating work. Both aspects will be discussed in this panel.

BPW Japan

Thursday - March 9, 2023

8 AM to 10:00 AM New York – virtual

Register: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEucOGsrzwtHNHKZVQv6CNnDp3h5RCiIxgc 

How to make actions for gender mainstreaming in entrepreneurship

Information: https://ngocsw67forum.events.whova.com/Agenda/2885734

National Federation of Business and Professional Women's Clubs of Japan (BPW Japan) will present this event. The concept of gender mainstreaming was raised in Beijing Platform for Action in 1995, about 30 years ago. However, it has been difficult for many organizations and government agencies to put this strategy into practice, at least in Japan. This event will show how to apply this strategy to actual practices by overviewing women’s entrepreneurship and the way of supporting it’s starts-up in Japan as examples. We will provide the platform for all participants to exchange their experiences, views, and information on the actual situation in each country in a small-group discussion format.

The questions participants discuss at a small group discussion are:

  1. Is female starting a business common in your country/community?
  2. What do you think is difficult in female starting a business?
  3. What kind of support is necessary for female starting a business?

Last Question which will be shared on Jamboard is:

What do you think is necessary to promote gender mainstreaming in entrepreneurship? 

Looking forward to seeing you !!

Young BPW

Saturday - March 11, 2023

9:00 AM to 11:30 PM New York – in-person in Geneva & virtual

Register: https://bpw.ch/de/Veranstaltungen/Details?id=584&date=1678489200

Ethical practice of algorithms and its impact on young girls and women

Information: https://ngocsw67forum.events.whova.com/Agenda/2861719

We will talk about:

  • What means #psychologicalsafety for younger generations when being exposed to algorithms ofsocial media? 
  • How can #AIalgorithms help to promote DEI #Diversity, #Equity & #Inclusion?
  • What is the role that policy makers, educators, programmers and corporations play currently - and what is #ouraskforthefuture?

The organisers and panelists will provide pre-read materials, resources and a high-level overviewabout the challenges and opportunities in the usage of AI. And provide their perspectives of the future.

BPW Taiwan

Saturday - March 11, 2023

8:12 PM tp 10:12 PM New York – virtual

YouTube Stream: 


ICT-enabled Women Networking and Participation in Asia



The pandemic and the widening urban-rural divide obviously present paramount challenges to women, especially the elderly or even mid-age generation. However, in our event, we aim to showcase several best practices in Asia where women begin to utilize information and communication technology (ICT) to broaden women networking capacity and to facilitate participation either in the political and public life or in the privatesector. With aid of digital tools, female leadership strives to provide innovative services to the most needed population while serving as online mentors to empower other women to assume roles of non-traditional leader.

Online Microsoft Team Stream: 


BPW Taipei Tenyuan Club, BPW Taiwan

Sunday - March 12, 2023

9:11 PM to 11:11 PM New York – virtual

YouTube Stream: 


Digital Education across the gender gap



Rapid growth in digital techonology, changing our working processes, and learning methods. However, the aging women are suffering the learning skills of digital innovatio, such as online learning system, streams, and infromation capture. 

During this parallel meeting, we hope we could have experience sharing among different contries and industries. If the aging women could be more skillfull in digital devises and having capability to acessthe new areas, they could be growth and have a new style of living. 

BPW International Standing Committee UN

Monday - March 13, 2023

12:00 PM (noon) to 2:00 PM New York – virtual



Addressing the challenges of women in rural areas : Leveraging digital transformation for sustainability 



The discussion will zero in on how women can actively co-innovate and utilize agricultural techniques and

technologies that improve agricultural productivity, increase economic autonomy, and occupy leadership roles in rural life. We present experiences, best practices, testimonials from Benin to Romania, from France

to Nepal, to Turkey on rural women and their access to loans, land and technology. We will uncouple power dynamics and discriminatory societal norms, finding collectively the means to bridge the gap in order to propose entry points to accomplish deep-seated and long-lasting change.

Digital transformation and emerging technology solutions can help a gender-just sustainability journey

while creating more gender-responsive, intelligent and inclusive communities.

BPW Susan O'Malley

Tuesday - March 14, 2023

10:30 AM to 12:30 PM New York – virtual



Rural Widowhood: Culture, Conflicts, COVID, Climate Crisis 



Widows for Peace through Democracy (WPD), co-sponsored by Global Call to Action against Poverty(GCAP) invites you to join our CSW 67 event.

Our purpose is to activate prompt implementation of the 2022 UNGA Widowhood Resolution (res.72), UNSCR 1325, the WPD Widows Charter and the SDGS.


  • Caroline Uskikpedo-Oliseowe, Nigeria, 
  • Roseline Orwa, Kenya
  • Jacqueline Musugani, CONGO
  • Diana Kamande HSC, Kenya


  • Lopa Banerjee, UN Women
  • Irene Chinje, Cameroon
  • Yemi Falayajo, Liberia

Closing remarks, Margaret Owen OBE, President Widows for Peace through Democracy, 

Moderator, Susan O'Malley, UN Representative, Widows for Peace through Democracy

BPW Nigeria & Young BPW International

Wednesday - March 15, 2023

6:15 PM to 7:45 PM New York – In-Person CCUN 8th floor & virtual



Designing an Enabling Environment for Women to Thrive During Changing Times 



You are invited to attend our NGO CSW Parallel Event on Wednesday, March 15, 2023, 6:15 PM EDT CCUN 8th Floor. 

This Young BPW collaborative event will bring together Nigeria - Africa, North America & Europe toshowcase best practices in an intergenerational dialogue.

Topic: Designing an enabling environment for women to thrive during changing times 

The NGO CSW Parallel Event will bring together key global leaders and decision makers of the business and public sectors, who represent the rich diversity of their respective organizations across the world.

This will be an opportunity to connect with one another across all boundaries political, geographic, cultural, and even within our own organizations to empower and amplify our voices, strengthen our position, and spread inspiration far and wide so that women and girls are not left behind in the digital age.