Constitutional Corner - Standing Committees
by Jenny Gulamani-Abdulla, JD, BPW International Executive Secretary 2021-2024, Canada
As BPW International’s activities go into full force in 2022, we are taking this opportunity to inform you of the prominent role of Standing Committees as per our Constitution.
The following Standing Committees have been established this triennium as per our Regulations:
- Agriculture
- Arts and Culture
- Business, Trade and Technology
- Development, Training and Employment
- Environment
- Health
- Legislation
- Membership
- Projects
- Public Relations
- Young BPW
- United Nations – Status of Women
R15.2 states under Appointment of Standing Committee Chairpersons and members that
“Standing Committee Chairpersons are elected by the General Assembly, except that the First and Second Vice Presidents assume the position of the Chairperson of either the Standing Committees on Membership or the United Nations - Status of Women and the Young BPW Representative is the Chairperson of the Young BPW Standing Committee.”
Each Standing Committee, in addition to the Chairperson, has its members and R15.2 confirms that they are “formally appointed by the President.”
Please do take some time to know about them and keep up with their areas of focus on our website. You can refer to R15.1 to R15.3 in our Constitution to learn more.
BPW International prides itself on the global resources that its members showcase on the world stage. We appreciate their valuable time, brilliant expertise as well as their professional and personal experiences which they share so generously when leading and participating in the Standing Committees.
The Executive wishes the Standing Committee Chairpersons successful consultations with their members and looks forward to the summary of their proposed activities as well as their written reports during this triennium.