Posts tagged with "BPW Canada"

Task Force Anti Human Trafficking - Chair Kelly Tallon Franklin
Kelly Tallon Franklin, Task Force Anti Human Trafficking, Chair; BPW Canada Vice-President & Communications Chair. BPW Club London, Canada English

CSW67 - Parallel Event BPW Canada
UN News · March 02, 2023
Tuesday - March 7, 2023 - 6:15 PM to 7:45 PM New York – In-Person CCUN 8th floor & virtual

BPW Canada Convention, Toronto, Canada
President's Messages · August 20, 2022
Report form the BPW Canada Convention in Toronto by Jenny Gulamani-Abdulla - COVID prevented the International President's planned trip to Toronto.

BPW Canada 48th Biennial National Convention 2022, Toronto

BPW Montreal - International Meeting GREECE
We are pleased to announce the launch of a new series entitled "BPW Montreal International Meetings". This initiative will make it possible to discover a country and the issues raised by the women who come from there. Start 15 June (virtual) - 17 June (face-to-face & FB streaming)

International Women's Day - BPW Montreal
On the occasion of International Women's Day, BPW Montreal invites you to two panels under the theme "Women’s economic empowerment in the changing world of work - Responses and Lessons Learned, Perspectives for the Future".

Anti Human Trafficking - Starting Information
BPW International Task Force Anti Human Trafficking, Kelly Tallon Franklin, BPW Canada, Task Force Chair

President's Messages · September 12, 2021
BPW International lost on September 10, 2021 the Canadian member Jill Worobec after some months of very serious illness. Jill served as first Vice President of Membership at BPW International (2011-2014) after having been Regional Coordinator of North America and the Caribbean (2008-2011) and National President of BPW Canada (2002-2004). I got to know her during the Helsinki Congress as a graceful leader who acted also very effectively as a mediator. She had always the best of the members on...

Call From BPW Niagara Falls - Emergency Resolution To Support Afghan Women
BPW International News · August 17, 2021
BPW Canada has just passed an emergency resolution to support the Afghan Women. ∙ "The Denial of Women’s Rights in Afghanistan" ∙ This Emergency Resolution was created by Anne Knicley, Nancy Broerse and Jocelyne Desautels of BPW Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada.

Jenny Gulamani-Abdulla JD - Executive Secretary 2021-2024
Executive Secretary News · June 17, 2021
Portrait Jenny Gulamani-Abdulla JD - BPW International Executive Secretary 2021-2024 - BPW International Task Force Immigration and Global Citizenship Chair