Posts tagged with "BPW International Member Project"

New Member Project - Mara Mosca, Volunteers 4 Health Care Center in Nepal - Patrizia Negro, Italy
Project News · June 17, 2024
This project aims to share experiences as Volunteers in the Health Care Center "Mara Mosca", in the rural area of the Saptari District, south-est Nepal.

New Member Project - BPW Business Incubator - Carol Hanlon, Australia
Project News · June 17, 2024
BPW Business Incubator ‘Women in Business’ Training & Mentoring Project provides FREE assistance to support the business skills and growth potential of women in new or existing home based, micro, small businesses operating in the Perth metropolitan area and regional Western Australia.

New Member Project - On Life - The Children's University - Laura Pellicciari, Italy
Project News · June 17, 2024
“On Life” is going to be a great experiment to demonstrate on one side how the cinema field can really be green and sustainable and on the other it will be a huge promo to make a real “Children’s University” thanks to the collaboration of some no profit institutions and foundations.

FAO - BPW International and other INGOs have been promoting the use of solar-powered pumps for several years
FAO promotes Solar Water Pumps - This is what a Member Project of BPW International does since 2016

BPW International Member Projects - Great simplification of the annual report - NEW: Report with a form
Project News · August 31, 2023
The annual reports on the Member Projects have been greatly simplified.

bpw.projects - Statistics December 2021
Project News · March 28, 2022
Statistics BPW International Projects as per 31.12.2021

Gaunbata Sanjal - Prize Winning BPW International Member Project
Project News · August 06, 2021
Gaunbata Sanjal - Prize Winning BPW International Member Project from Sadikshya Aryal, Young BPW Nepal