Text about Partnership with Trasmed in the languages English, French, German, Italian, Spanish (pdf):
TRASMED raises the flag of equal pay for men and women on all its ships together with BPW International and BPW Madrid.
Catherine Bosshart, President of BPWI; Giuseppa Seidita, Vice President of BPWI; Paz Martín, President of BPWI and BPW-Madrid Business, Trade and Technology Standing Committee; Jana Peiró, TRASMED Passenger Director; Amany Asfour, President of Africa Business Council; Xavier Ramis, Director General of Maritime and Air Transport of the Government of the Balearic Islands; Elena Navarro, Councillor for Tourism of Palma City Council; and Andreu Serra, Island Councillor for Transition, Tourism and Sports of the Consell de Mallorca; as well as other authorities and businessmen from Palma, attended the Equal Pay flag-raising ceremony.
February 22, 2022
TRASMED joins the EQUAL PAY DAY campaign promoted by BPW International to fight against wage inequality between men and women. The Equal Pay flag has been raised on the five vessels of the Trasmed fleet, as well as the flag of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, to which the company contributes through its activity.
This event is part of one of the actions included in the agreement between Trasmed and BPW International signed on 21 January at Fitur, sponsored by Minister Reyes Maroto, and which aims to carry out various actions to advance gender equality within the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals and the UN Agenda 2030, in order to eradicate the wage gap between men and women.
Catherine Bosshart, President of BPW International, recalled that "the wage gap between men and women is so large that this is reflected in the pensions of many women who, in addition, live longer than men, so they reach the end of their lives close to poverty; and it is even worse for those women who have interrupted their working lives to raise their children.
Paz Martín, President of the Business, Commerce and Technology Standing Committee of BPW International (International Federation of Business and Professional Women) and BPW Madrid, explained that "Today is a great day for women, because a company as important as TRASMED, takes a step forward and makes visible the gender pay gap, the great unresolved issue for women in the world. It has its origin in the undervaluation of women's work and the survival of a system of values where men predominate over women in productive work. BPWI would like to thank TRASMED for raising the Equal Pay flag and that of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, a great step, without a doubt, in the achievement of equality".
Jana Peiró, Trasmed's Director of Passage, said: "TRASMED is a company that supports the talent of people, regardless of any other condition and regardless of their gender. Collaborations like ours, between BPW International and Trasmed, are essential to promote and increase the presence of women in management positions and to eliminate the wage gap between employees". He added: "This event that we are holding today on board the 'Ciudad de Palma' is the first step in an exciting project that we are undertaking together to promote the role of women in society and to fulfil our dream of achieving a more equal world for men and women".
For his part, the Director General of Maritime and Air Transport of the Government of the Balearic Islands, Xavier Ramis, declared that "we have not yet achieved total equality between men and women in the maritime sector, but there are more and more women in positions historically occupied by men, as is the case of the captain of this ship, Carmen Santurom, who has been commanding it for three years. But this equalisation needs to be translated into equal pay".
Elena Navarro, Councillor for Tourism at Palma Town Hall, explained that "the data show that the difference in salary between men and women is 52 days, which means that women work for free from the 1st of January to the 22nd of February. The wage gap is present and persistent, which is why I am pleased with the initiative of Trasmed and BPW International, and I congratulate you".
And finally the Counsellor of Transition, Tourism and Sports of the Consell de Mallorca, Andreu Serra, explained: "I would like to congratulate Trasmed and BPW International for this commitment to environmental, economic and social sustainability. On this island we have a President of the Government and a President of the Counsell de Mallorca and we are very clear in this commitment to the empowerment of women and that they can reach positions of the highest responsibility".
With this symbolic act, Trasmed demonstrates its firm commitment to people and their environment, promoting equality between men and women and contributing to the fulfilment of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
Paz Martín, President BPW Madrid