Task Force Anti Human Trafficking
Kelly Tallon Franklin, BPW Canada
Launched at BPW International Conference BPW Canada with BPW Ontario created a historic Anti Human Trafficking and child exploitation Awareness movement that stopped highway traffic, focused attention on the story of a 16-year-old survivor asking for advertising and media to stop victimizing and criminalizing those caught in the exploitation, coercion, and crime to work on prevention and resources for survivors.
The ensuing awareness project (ProjectONroute) looked instead as to why this was happening to women and girls, in Ontario, in Canada and Globally. Signs and PSA advertisements were created that went out to Government, Civics & Social Groups, all Industries, Faiths/Religions, Cultures, Orientations as diverse as BPW members to spread the message to eradicate injustice. The creation of a National Task Force team with a global overview brought the project to life. Attending the finale celebration over 1600 attendees, 100 Politicians, 180 agencies together with 80 media articles interviews and news reels following outlined the project scope. Two million screen impressions with 16.8 million views to end the buying and selling of girls and boy, children reached every sector of the public.
Results? Crowd populating the movement brought Governmental attention democratic will and meetings. Along with marked and measurable increased awareness including greater calls to the National Centre to End Human Trafficking hotline, action groups started. Coalitions, task force, strategy groups, resolution writing and legislative discussions were opened and cooperative. The over 80 news, media, tv and radio interviews and journals brought life the issue of protection of women and girls, gender-based violence, violence against women and sexual exploitation specific to the issues of human trafficking and forced prostitution and pornography.
Funding over 350 million in response dollars to the Province of Ontario from the office of the Premier of Ontario with acknowledgement of the project and congratulations to BPW International Task Force Chair Kelly Tallon Franklin was captured. Now known as ProjectMapleLeaf and respected by politicians and the public, BPW Canada with BPW Ontario and all provinces move forward with a proven strategy, to organize, execute a plan to grow a movement globally demanding attention and cooperation in parliaments, senates, unions, congress, assemblies, legislations and the United Nations. All of society all of government as civic, civil and societal duty to protect women and children.
February 22nd 2021 is now National Human Trafficking Day in Canada for the first time in history. Now, BPW International, Canada and Ontario will build on cross organizational sisterhoods as a bigger movement with stronger more experienced voices, a polarizing focus, more diverse and aligned. Today we proudly stand with the National Women’s Councils, National Jewish Women’s Councils, Catholic Women’s Councils, Federations of University Women, Women in STEM, Women in the Arts, Women in Law and Law Enforcement, Women in Politics, Women in Business, Council of Muslim Women, Egale (LGBT++) Global , Native Women’s Associations and all others who will work in cooperation to ensure that equity, access, diversity, inclusion ensure justice and opportunity at every level of our work together. Partner Projects, UN policy presentations and International solution tables are planned virtual conversations as we step into 2021 with a strong sisterhood, presence, and purpose. Thanks to BPW.
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Jo Kinsey (Monday, 19 June 2023 13:45)
Hi Kelly, please can we discuss this project ? I have sent a messenger message to you.
Thank you,
Jo Kinsey