Meetings of the Task Force - Discussing international Regulations Governing Refugee Admissions

Chairperson Jenny Gulamani-Abdulla conducted one-on-one meetings with members of the taskforce to discuss international regulations governing refugee admissions which have remained unchanged since 1951 to respond to the tragic events of World War II. The taskforce understands the urgent need to update the restricted definition of a refugee to keep up with today’s terrors. The 1951 meaning of persecution is limited to political beliefs, religion, identity, and social class. As global citizens, the taskforce recognizes that humanitarian pathways must be expanded to save lives of human beings that are desperately seeking protection as a result of recent pressing threats. The taskforce is working on a resolution to submit to BPW International for consideration at Congress in November 2024. BPW federations and affiliate clubs around the world are in a position to lead the conversation on planned and well-managed migration policies in their own countries to uphold human rights through access to justice. (Photographed is Taskforce Member Verenice Bengtsson from BPW Sweden)