Task Force Members
BPW Taiwan (English, French)
BPW Argentina (Italian)
BPW Estonia (English, Finnish)
BPW Australia (English)
BPW Italy (Italian, English)
BPW Spain (Spanish)
BPW Turkey (English, French)
Twinning Guidelines
What is Twinning?
Twinning is when a BPW Club connects with another one with a Twinning Charter.
In the charter the two Clubs agree to pursue some common interests, common goals and build a closer relationship between them.
Twinning is as varied as the clubs involved.
Some twins connect to build a social exchange, others a cultural exchange and others have a common interest in an industry or profession. So, for instance, if your state is a wine producing area you might twin with a Club in another wine growing area in another part of the world. Twinned Clubs might visit each other, or have a member visiting them, or they exchange ideas, experiences, projects by meeting directly and by newsletters, meetings by Skype, WhatsApp, Messenger, and online platforms to work together and create real economic, social and institutional relationships that last over time.
Why Twin?
Nowadays the importance of twinning is growing. In our current time of globalization, it is definitely no longer good to stay contentedly in one’s own country or city without taking note of what others do. This is especially true for members of our global organization of Business and Professional Women. The immeasurable advantages of twinning should therefore be in all of our minds. Twinning can be between clubs in different cities, in different countries and in different regions. It is up to you. Enjoy the rich return of exchange of experiences, joint activities, and a greater understanding of each other’s cultures on an international level.
Who Twins?
Most twinning is between Clubs, but it can be from Federation to Federation. Sometimes an individual member in a country where there isn’t a BPW Club has twinned with a Club elsewhere. Twinning can be between Clubs in one country, or between Clubs from different countries, different continents.
How to Twin
Think about:
- why you would like to twin and what you want out of it;
- if you want to twin more locally or internationally;
- if you are looking for a Club that speaks your same language, or are you looking for a twinning of difference and diversity?
- if you think to meet up the distance is an issue you can use Skype, email, or social networking
- what are your goals and interests?
Think about how long you want to twin for. Some Clubs twin for two or three years, some longer. Some Clubs twin for a couple of years with one Club and then have a new twinning with another Club. A Club can have several twinnings too. What is very important is that the Clubs that are going to promote the Twinning give thought and time to discussing the idea with all their members so that there is future planning and ongoing support for the Twinning and that it is just not done on a whim.
If you would like more information and ideas about twinning and support to set up your project contact the Chair Nellina Basile or your Regional representative or a Member of the Twinning Task Force.
Find a Club that you think will match your goals.
You can do this in different ways.
Many twinnings come from personal connections made, for example, at a BPW conference or congress.
You might have a member who is an old school friend with a member in another Club or women who have worked in different countries and have friends in another BPW Federation.
You can apply on the Twinning Forum of the BPW International website or contact the Twinning Committee through your Regional Representative.
Complete the application to have your twinning approved (click here to download form as word or as pdf) and your charter (click here to download charter as word or as pdf) and send them, with the minutes of approval of the twinning by your Clubs, to the Chair of the Twinning Taskforce Nellina Basile.
Don’t forget to copy in your correspondence the Twinning Task Force Chair, the International President and the President of your Federation.