The United Nations Office at Vienna (UNOV) is one of the four major office sites of the United Nations where numerous different UN agencies have a joint presence. The office complex is located in Vienna, the capital of Austria, and is part of the Vienna International Centre, a cluster of several major international organizations. UNOV was established on 1 January 1980, and was the third such complex to be created.
UNOV manages and implements the United Nations programme on the peaceful uses of outer space and provides common services, such as conference services,information services, security and safety services, procurement services andgeneral support services, for the organizations located at the Vienna International Centre.
UNOV is closely associated with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC). A shared Division for Management, in addition to the common services listed above, supports both organizations with financial resources management services, human resources management services and information technology and communications services.
September 15, 2021
UN International Day of Older Persons 2021

The United Nations International Day of Older Persons 2021 theme Digital Equity for All Ages predicates the need for access and meaningful participation in the digital world by older persons.
Digital Equity for All Ages
Connect, Respect and Protect Older People in Digital Technologies
Virtual Zoom Webinar and Facebook Live Date:
Friday, 1 October 2021
Vienna Event: 7:30-9:15am EDT / 1:30-3:15pm CET
New York Event: 10:00-11:30am EDT / 4:00-5:30pm CET
Information through
Rita Assogna, Secretary of NGO Committee on Ageing
IFBPW UN representative in Vienna