Organization of American States OAS
Professional Experience
1. International business, specialty International logistics and export compliance. Managed distribution to over 70 countries in all regions of the world, coordinated company booth and presence at 1-2 International trade shows each year, wrote and published company International newsletter.
2. 2017-present Co-Director of Hyde Park Project, assisting newcomers to Chicago.
Graduated from University of Illinois USA, French/ German/ English literature.
Post graduate diploma from University of Lille/France in Business Administration.
BPW Activities
2014-2021 president of BPW/BWC La Grange-Chicago from 2014-2021.
2010- present… North American & Caribbean International OAS Contact & Accredited Official
Observer of annual Organization of American States General Assemblies
March 2010 U.S. delegation to the UN Commission on the Status of Women-54th Session .
While studying in France, Kathleen was a member of BPW/Lille. For several years, while working the company trade show in Germany, she attended BPW/Frankfurt dinner meetings.